Thursday, December 24, 2009

Coming out also involves others

one of the many things that i don't understand in life is the condescending attitude of some in the gay community towards those that are in the closet. those who are in the closet may be for various reasons. granted that some may prefer to remain in the closet for the simple, but not trivial reasons of fear for their physical well-being (i.e. getting their heads kicked in by a homophobic...

Christmas jokes

A couple of Christmas-related jokes for you. Will post something more substantial in a day or two. Happy Christmas, dear Readers. :)Joke #1:The three wise men arrived to visit the child lying in the manger.One of the wise men was exceptionally tall and smacked his head on the lowdoorway as he entered the stable. "Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed."Write...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Caught in the middle?

i've just found out during dinner tonight that two of my really good friends have fallen out. i was having dinner with one of them and she didn't say anything about it. i sensed that she was keeping something from me, and she was - the whole falling out thing. they both agreed that it should be kept from me so that i wouldn't feel that i was caught in the middle. well, i am; i chose to,...

Thursday, December 3, 2009


i blog, i tweet, i have facebook and tumblr accounts, but i can't be arsed to update them as regularly as i would like. i do have a job, and that takes most of my of the tweets of someone i follow referred to the movie C.R.A.Z.Y. if you're not familiar with it, read a bit of the synopsis below. Synopsis :Zachary naît un 25 décembre,...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Too close to home

Note: this is actually an edited version of the original. i had more details in it, which i actually published, but only for a couple of minutes. i'm republishing this without the details. it's very very personal to me, and as you will read later in the post, not many, not even my family knew this happened. i just watched a movie called "borstal...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Want a big penis?

whilst writing my previous post, a spam quarantine report summary came up in my inbox. these were the ones picked up by the anti-spam service. 11 Nov 01:47 Get really big package ! - Way to no-allergy life! http://iofanl...10 Nov 22:11 Most recommended solution for most intimate male problems. - Gigantic results guaranteed! http://k...10...

I've got rose-tinted glasses on

i will be moving to a different place, still in brighton/hove area, so not comparable to the other moves i've done. it's interesting that since my family left the London, UK to live in the US, i've not stayed more than five years at any one place. I lived in northern California for three years, in southern California for four and half years, in the midwestern US for five years, the Rockies...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


this clip from the movie paris je t'aime was what inspired the title of this blog. i've known the song lonely blue boy much earlier, but never really thought much about it until i saw this clip. it took on a different meaning. not sure what, though. it just "sounded" different to me. maybe it was the context that the clip gave it. that's funny because it's usually the other way around, the...

Monday, October 26, 2009

A little bit about coming out

a questionnaire taken from scousewemboy of roomlovely.Country: United KingdomHow old were you when you first realised you were gay? 10. not necessarily knowing the word gay, but i knew i liked boys more than girls.Do you have more gay friends or straight friends? more straight friends, but i don't choose my friends because they're gay or straight.Biggest turn on? a really nice smile and...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Growing apart

i was on ichat with a friend of mine. we've been friends for nearly 20 years now. our conversation, like always, turned to how the other guys were doing. there were four of us, and we were tight. did everything together, and it helped that our parents were also good friends with each other. over the years, we've managed to keep in touch and see each other every couple of years or so, just...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Class trumps gay pride

was in the train to london, getting in very late to work. a group of six gay twentysomethings boarded. it was obvious that they were all good friends, and heading to london for a good time. they were all fit, and unfortunately they knew it too. i sensed a bit of vanity. they were having a conversation, and quite loudly, i might add. actually only three of the six were loud, specially one...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Landscape Photography

Here are some deserved winners and honourable mentions in the BBC's landscape photography competition. Awesome pics! From this link.SUNRISE OVER OLD MAN OF STORR, ISLE OF SKYE by EMMANUEL COUPE (First Prize in the Take A View - Landscape Photographer of the Year Award 2009WHEAT FIELD AT DAWN by JOHN MCGOVERN (Young Landscape Photographer...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tilt-shift photography

i decided to try this tilt-shift app for iphone. it actually processes images already taken, so it's not the real tilt-shift that requires a special lens for the camera. for the price of less than two quid, it's not bad, i guess. i'm not a professional, so my standards are quite low, when it comes to photography. here's a couple of images...