Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Too close to home

Note: this is actually an edited version of the original. i had more details in it, which i actually published, but only for a couple of minutes. i'm republishing this without the details. it's very very personal to me, and as you will read later in the post, not many, not even my family knew this happened. i just watched a movie called "borstal...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Want a big penis?

whilst writing my previous post, a spam quarantine report summary came up in my inbox. these were the ones picked up by the anti-spam service. 11 Nov 01:47 releasemiyata@weokie.org Get really big package ! - Way to no-allergy life! http://iofanl...10 Nov 22:11 releasekrysia@uralspecmash.ru Most recommended solution for most intimate male problems. - Gigantic results guaranteed! http://k...10...

I've got rose-tinted glasses on

i will be moving to a different place, still in brighton/hove area, so not comparable to the other moves i've done. it's interesting that since my family left the London, UK to live in the US, i've not stayed more than five years at any one place. I lived in northern California for three years, in southern California for four and half years, in the midwestern US for five years, the Rockies...